
Italian at Illinois sponsors and oversees three Study Abroad Programs in Italy: Pavia, Bologna and Rome.



The program in Pavia is ideal for students who are equally interested in an international experience and in continuing their academic life while abroad. The combination of classes in Italian and classes in English offered to international students at the prestigious University of Pavia provide the unique opportunity to enhance students' portfolios and to boost their national and international resumes. The accommodation in an Eighteenth century palace in the city center and a full meal plan are designed to minimize the time consuming adjustment period and to be able to focus on this life changing experience. The University of Pavia, one of the oldest universities in the world, Palazzo Vistarino, the prestigious accommodation available to Illinois students, and the presence of a dedicated tutor make this one of the crown jewels of the Study Abroad experience at the University of Illinois. Pavia, a university town less than thirty miles from Milan, allows our students to interact with the local community in a safe and engaging environment in the context of a beautiful medieval landscape. Illinois students take classes in Italian and English in three different tracks: Humanities, Economics, and MCB. Other disciplines are added every year, and a variety of courses are available, so do check with the advisor if you are interested in pursuing this opportunity. No previous knowledge of Italian is required.

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Students who have completed at least four semesters of Italian are encouraged to study abroad with our BCSP consortial program in Bologna. On this program, students take a mix of program-specific courses with other U.S. students and courses at the University of Bologna with Italians and many international students. The Bologna program provides the ultimate study abroad experience in one of the cultural capitals of Italy.

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The Illinois Rome Center offers semester long and summer courses focused on food and food research in Italy. The program is ideal for students who want to experience life in a major European capital with one of the longest and most prestigious histories in Europe and in the world. Students take classes in basic Italian and in Italian culture. A crucial component of this cultural experience are internships conducted with Italian firms.


For questions on studying in Italy, email Prof. Stoppino