04/13/2022 - The Department of French and Italian is proud to recognize the following outstanding graduate students for their continued excellence in teaching and research in the academic year of 2021-2022. ...
03/13/2022 - Congratulations to Associate Teaching Professor of Italian Eda Derhemi who has been awarded a 2022 HRI Summer Faculty Research Fellowship! Every year, the Humanities Research Institute (HRI) awards...
02/27/2022 - Having graduated in the early months of the pandemic, Camille Méritan (PhD 2020), now Assistant Professor Tenure-Track at Bentley College (MA), believes that COVID did not necessarily have a...
01/26/2022 - Congratulations to Alum Nick Strole (PhD 2019) who has recently been named Senior Tutor and Teaching Specialist, the equivalent of Teaching Assistant Professor, at the University of Melbourne in...
01/17/2022 - Happy New Year and Welcome to Spring 2022! Orientation in our French and Italian Basic Language Programs included two workshops on Thursday and Friday January 13 and 14 on strategies and tips on...
12/09/2021 - Congratulations to Professor Emerita Evelyne Accad on the publication of her bilingual collection of short stories: “...
11/30/2021 - Congratulations to Professor Felisa Vergara Reynolds whose book "The Author as Cannibal: Rewriting in Francophone Literature as a Postcolonial Genre, 1969–1995" has just been released in its paper...
- Tricia Thrasher wins Dissertation Support Grant from Network of Modern Language Teacher Associations
10/19/2021 - Congratulations to Tricia Thrasher, PhD candidate in French SLATE, for receiving a Dissertation Support Grant from the Network of Modern Language Teacher Associations (NFMLTA) to work on her...
10/09/2021 - Professors Felisa Reynolds, Daniel Maroun, and Eda Derhemi presented at international conferences on topics connected to several intersecting...
09/27/2021 - Congratulations to Professor Emanuel Rota (FRIT & EUC) and the transatlantic team of researchers associated with the project “Understanding Narratives of Racialization in the Mediterranean” for...
09/19/2021 - Congratulations to Professor Daniel Maroun, our Director of Undergraduate Studies and Undergraduate Advisor for French, for winning...
09/05/2021 - Congratulations to faculty and graduate teaching assistants who have been ranked as excellent by their students in Spring 2021! Thank you for your hard work in your virtual classrooms during a very...
08/21/2021 - Many thanks to our Director of Italian Basic Language, Professor Laura Hill, for organizing this year's online Orientation and New Student Meet & Greet during the week of August 16-20. Incoming...
07/14/2021 - Professor Eda Derhemi is the organizer of the FEL XXV “Endangered Languages and Diaspora” international conference held by the ...
01/22/2021 - On Friday January 22, the French and Italian Basic Language Programs started their last day of pre-semester orientation with a discussion with Assistant Dean of Students Anne Marie Morgan from the...