Basic Language Programs Start Spring 2022 with Two Terrific Workshops


Happy New Year and Welcome to Spring 2022!

Orientation in our French and Italian Basic Language Programs included two workshops on Thursday and Friday January 13 and 14 on strategies and tips on teaching grammar in the basic language sequence and actively engaging students in diverse and inclusive classrooms. The grammar workshop featured Professors Laura Hill and Amy Clay, Directors of the Italian and French Basic Language Programs, and PhD candidates Anne Mutidjo (French) and Francesco Ferrari (Italian). Professors Hill and Clay introduced the topic and Anne and Francesco presented mini lessons on how to teach grammar while engaging with the target languages and cultures in meaningful inter-personal language use. The diversity and inclusion workshop with Dr. Kaamilyah Abdullah-Span from the Office of Access and Equity took the form of a discussion – live and chat – of a variety of issues and real-life situations that instructors might encounter and have to respond to in diverse and inclusive classrooms.

Thank you, presenters and participants, for your time and valuable contribution to these important departmental events.