Doctoral Theses (French)

Current Thesis Projects

Williams Frimpong Asamoah: “Social ties in language use, maintenance, and shift among the Congolese in Urbana-Champaign: A Sociolinguistic Study,” (Director of research: Zsuzsanna Fagyal).

Julien Berthelon: "100 Years of Male Insecurity Through the Figure of the Cheated Husband" (Director of research: François Proulx).

Lisa Brittingham: "The Relationship between a Musical Background and French Pronunciation for Novice Adult Learners: A Mixed Methods Study" (Director of research: Aurore Mroz).

Julia Gorham: "“Examining UIUC L2 French students' prioritization and experience of critical literacies pedagogy: A mixed methods program evaluation” (Director of research: Aurore Mroz).

Emily Swisher: "Writing the Self with Others: Women's Collaborative Photobiography in the 20th and 21st Centuries" (Director of research: Julie Gaillard).


Ph.D. Theses Defended since 2013

Amanda Smith: "21st Century Black Beauty Resistance: Collectivism, Individualism and In/visibility in Black French Women's Body and Hair Representations” (Director of research: Felisa Vergara Reynolds), defended on December 1, 2023.

Nicolas Portugal: "Entre discours et fictions : Penser et écrire l’événement du «11 septembre 2001» en France" (Director of research: Jean-Philippe Mathy) 2023.

Elham Karimi Balan: "Writing the Self in the Language of the Other: Trauma and the Body in Autobiographical Novels by Female Iranian Exiles in France" (Director of research: Jean-Philippe Mathy) 2023.

Anne Mutidjo: "Madness in Late 20th and 21st-Century Francophone Women’s Writing of the Caribbean" (Director of research: Felisa Vergara Reynolds). 2022.

Charlotte Prieu: "Language Practices of a Digital Black Feminist Community on French Twitter: Gender, Race, and Identity" (Directors of research: Zsuzsanna Fagyal (French and Italian) and Krystal A. Smalls (Linguistics and Anthropology)), 2022.

Tricia Thrasher: "Social Virtual Reality’s Impact on Language Anxiety in Oral Production of L2 French Learners" (Director of research: Aurore Mroz). 2022

Camille Méritan: "The Impact of Self-Reflection and Integrated Pronunciation Instruction on the Intelligibility of Generation Z Learners of French: A Mixed Methods Study" (Director of research: Aurore Mroz). 2020

Peter Tarjanyi: "Sexpeditions: Mapping Mobility and Sexuality in Postcolonial France and the Maghreb" (Director of research: Nancy Blake). 2020

Gyula Zsombok: "Dynamics of Prescriptivism and Lexical Borrowings in Contemporary France" (Co-Directors of research: Joseph Roy [SLCL] and Zsuzsanna Fagyal). 2020

Nicholas Strole: "Reinforcing and Destabilizing Myths of Origin: Storytelling and Biopolitical Communities in Contemporary Theater in French" (Director of research: Marcus Keller). 2019

Malyoune Benoit: "L’écriture impliquée chez Fatou Diome, Léonora Milano et Marie NDiaye" (Director of research: Felisa Vergara Reynolds). 2018

Alice Brown: "Les histoires françaises d'avarice jusqu'aux temps modernes" (Director of research: Emanuel Rota). 2018

Bénédicte Harmon: "'Comme ça, tu ne recommenceras plus' : Représentations et perceptions de l'avortement, entre témoignages et militantisme, 1940-2015" (Co-Directors of research: François Proulx and Stephanie Hilger [Germanic Languages and Literatures]). 2018

Henrietta Boudros: "Bilingualism and Cognition: Exploring the Bilingual Cognitive Advantage Across the Lifespan" (Director of research: Peter Golato). 2017

Priscilla Charrat: "Documents et cheminements: Tracing the Postmemory of the Second World War and the Algerian War of Independence" (Director of research: Jean-Philippe Mathy). 2017

Jessica Nicholas: "Social and learner-specific factors in the acquisition of local dialectal features by study abroad students of French" (Co-Directors of research: Aurore Mroz and Zsuzsanna Fagyal). 2017

Gloria Kwok: "Reversing the French Gaze: Four Francophone Vietnamese Women Writers from 1910s to 2000s" (Co-Director of research: Nancy Blake and Jack Yaeger [Louisiana State University]). 2016

Johnny A. Laforet: "Language Maintenance by Haitian Immigrants in the USA: A Case Study of the Chicago Community" (Director of research: Eyamba Bokamba [Linguistics & SLATE]). 2016

Richard Beyoglé: "Language Contact in Two Border Communities in Burkina Faso and Ghana: Lexical Borrowings in Dagara" (Co-Directors of research: Zsuzsanna Fagyal and Anna-Maria Escobar [Spanish and Portuguese]). 2015

Kirby Chazal: "Pursuing a Response in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Conversation Analytic Study Teacher-Student Interaction" (Director of research: Andrea Golato [Germanic Languages and Literatures]). 2015

Patricia Dimit. “What Lies Beneath? Underground Spaces in post-1945 French Literature and Film.” (Director of research: Margaret Flinn). 2015

Jenelle Grant: "Maisons de presse, maisons de passe: Narrating Prostitution and the Literary Market in Paris, 1830-1930." Director of research: Tamara Chaplin (History, Illinois) and Patrick Bray (Ohio State University). 2015

Brian Hunt: "Mobile Limits and the Limits of Mobility in the French City" (Director of research: Maggie Flinn [Ohio State University]). 2015

Dan Maroun: "Globalized Masculinities: Redefining Masculinities in France from 1968-2010" (Director of research: Jean-Philippe Mathy). 2015

Jui Namjoshi: "The Influence of Prosody on Second Language Learners' Sentence Interpretation" (Director of research: Annie Tremblay). 2015

Daniel Brant. "Geographies of Suffering: The Literature of Catastrophe in the French Atlantic" (Director of research: H. Adlai Murdoch). 2014

Stéphanie Gaillard. "Elicited Imitation Task as a Method for Proficiency Assessment in Institutional and Research Settings" (Co-Directors of research: Annie Tremblay and Frederick Davidson [Linguistics]). 2014

Azeb Haileselassie: "Use and Function of the Discourse Marker voilà in Spoken French from a Conversation Analytic Perspective" (Director of research: Andrea Golato [Germanic Languages and Literatures]). 2014

Christopher Carignan: "Oral Articulation of French Nasal Vowels" (Co-Directors of research: Zsuzsanna Fagyal and Ryan Shosted (Linguistics)). 2013

Alison Clifton: "The Role of Metalinguistic Terminology in Second Language Teaching and Learning" (Director of research: Peter Golato). 2013