Undergraduate Awards and Recognitions 2021-2022


Undergraduate students in our French and Italian programs have again demonstrated excellence in their studies this year. Congratulations to the following students who received national and departmental awards for their achievements!



Ella Dennis, student of French and Foreign Policy Research Fellow in the College of ACE received one a highly competitive Boren Scholarship to study abroad in Dakar, Senegal this summer 2022. She'll be studying in French, learning Wolof, and participating in a community outreach project. 

Boren Scholars and Fellows come from diverse fields of study immerse themselves in the cultures in world regions underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Ella’s goal is to use the time she spends there as preparation for her post-graduation goal of working for USAID. 


Departmental Awards


This year’s Charlotte Kambarian McMillian Award for French Excellence goes to Natalie Metsch. This award recognizes one outstanding student who has achieved a minimum GPA in French of 3.9.



The K.A. Looney Awards for French Merit have been awarded to Ivie Osagiede (Minors) and Grace Duggan (Majors). These awards recognize junior majors who have earned a minimum GPA of 3.5 in a rigorous academic program in French. The senior award recognizes senior majors who have earned a minimum GPA of 3.5 in a rigorous academic program in French.





The following undergraduate students have been awarded the 2021-2022 French Undergraduate Basic Language Book Awards that come with the paperback edition of a major literary work in French.

Becky Arden

Hetansh Trivedi

Ziyin Wang

Ainslee Wong  


This year’s Department of French and Italian Merit Awards in Italian went to Ivette Ibarra (Minors) and Eleonora Benedetti (Majors)




These awards recognize excellence in teaching on the part of graduate teaching assistants who can teach both introductory and advanced courses at the highest level of competence, as measured by the evaluations of their faculty mentors, the Director of Basic Language, and attested by ICES scores and statements of nomination.

The following undergraduate students have been awarded the 2021-2022 Italian Undergraduate Basic Language Book Awards that come with the paperback edition of a major literary work in Italian.

Elizabeth Atmore

Natalia Palafox-Burbano

Blake Soderholm

Miranda Stillwell 

Please join us in congratulating the following undergraduate students, their instructors, and members of the faculty Committee on Fellowships and Awards for soliciting nominations and selecting the awardees in our two programs.