
The Department of French and Italian at Illinois welcomes donations and contributions to the French and Italian Action Fund. These funds are earmarked for helping the department carry out its mission of enhancing undergraduate and graduate education; granting awards and scholarships to students; facilitating the recruitment of outstanding scholars; putting on conferences of note; and extending the breadth and reach of our outreach programs and projects.

If you or someone you know are interested in contributing to our broad range of activities, please contact us at (217) 333-2020 or at

Emile J. Talbot Memorial Fund in French

The fund honors late Professor Emile Talbot and provides unrestricted support towards uses within the Department, including student scholarship, travel funding, and instructional support.


Fund ID
Gift Amounts

Fred Jenkins Memorial Fund

The fund honors late Professor Fred Jenkins and continues his passion for the Teaching of French program by supporting research and development in the areas of teaching of French, including activities such as course development, continued education resources, and travel and conference support.

Fund ID
Gift Amounts

To make a gift, select the amount for the fund(s) you wish to support, then click the “Continue” button below. You will be directed to the University of Illinois Foundation’s secure online giving site for your personal and credit card information. To clear all inputs and selections click "Start over."

LAS Annual Fund for French and Italian

Gift amount

Emile J. Talbot Memorial Fund in French

The fund honors late Professor Emile Talbot and provides unrestricted support towards uses within the Department, including student scholarship, travel funding, and instructional support.


Gift amount

Fred Jenkins Memorial Fund

The fund honors late Professor Fred Jenkins and continues his passion for the Teaching of French program by supporting research and development in the areas of teaching of French, including activities such as course development, continued education resources, and travel and conference support.

Gift amount
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