Research Interests
I am currently working primarily as a translator of contemporary French authors, seeking publishers for several books.
PhD Yale 1970-74
Courses Taught
Not teaching at this time
Additional Campus Affiliations
Research Faculty, European Union Center
Research Faculty, Center for Global Studies
Honors & Awards
French Palmes Académiques: recognition by the French government for service
Highlighted Publications
- Christine Angot. An Impossible Love, a translation. Trans. Armine Kotin Mortimer. New York: Archipelago Books, 2021.
- Julia Kristeva, The Enchanted Clock, a translation. . Trans. Armine Kotin Mortimer. New York: Columbia University Press, 2017.
- Philppe Sollers, Casanova the Irresistible, a translation with an introduction. . Trans. Armine Kotin Mortimer. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2016.
- Proust en perspectives: Visions et révisions. Co-edited with Katherine Kolb. Revue d'études proustiennes vol.2. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2015.
- For Love or for Money: Balzac's Rhetorical Realism. . Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2011.
- Philippe Sollers, Mysterious Mozart. A translation with introduction. . Trans. Armine Kotin Mortimer. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2010.
Recent Book Contributions
- "Le Père Goriot: Arrivisme and the Parisian Morality Tale." Cambridge Companion to Balzac. . Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- " Autofiction et Altérité. Autofiction/Allofiction: L’Après-vivre." Autour de Serge Doubrovsky. . 2010.
- "The Genetic Record of a Voice: Variants in Barthes’s Le Plaisir du texte." Genetic Criticism and the Creative Process: Essays from Music, Literature, and Theater. . 2009.
- "Connecting Links: Beginnings and Endings." Narrative Beginnings: Theories and Practices. . 2009.
Recent Journal Articles
- "Stendhal the Sollersian: A Twenty-First Century Autoportrait." Dix-Neuf 19.1 (2015): 67-79.
- "Fiction as Cover Story in Sollers’s La Fête à Venise." French Forum (2013): 189-203.
- "The Invisible Punctuation of Sollers’s Paradis." MLN (2012): 924-41.
- "Graphic Spaces: Veyron Illustrates Sollers." Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 15.3 (2011): 329-37.
- "Autofiction as Allofiction: Doubrovsky’s L’Après-vivre." L'Esprit Créateur 49.3 (2009): 22-35.
- "The Double History of César Birotteau." Lingua Romana 8.1 (2009):
- "The Third Closet: Sollers’s War." Yale French Studies (2009): 169-82.
- "Listening to Barthes with Millet: A Loving Overture." L’Esprit Créateur 47.2 (2007): 5-16.
- "The Essay According to Sollers: A Personal and Parabolic Genre.." Romanic Review 97 (2006): 33-49.
- "Paradis de Philippe Sollers: Une métaphysique de l’infini." La Règle du Jeu 26 (2004): 87-132.
- "Sollers's le 'secret', espionage and autofiction." Esprit Createur 42.4 (2002): 35-44.
- "The MRIs of sollers's fictions." Critique-Studies In Contemporary Fiction 43.4 (2002): 379-391.
Recent Publications
Angot, Christine and Armine Kotin Mortimer An Impossible Love Archipelago Books. 2021.
Mortimer, Armine Kotin. "Balzac’s Muse: The Geographical Method". The Balzac Review / Revue Balzac. 2019, 2019(2). 155-165.
Kristeva, Julia and Armine Kotin Mortimer The Enchanted Clock: A Novel Columbia University Press. 2018.
Mortimer, Armine Kotin "Le Père Goriot: Arrivisme and the Parisian Morality Tale". and Heathcote, Owen Watts, Andrew (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Balzac. Cambridge University Press. 2017, 81-96.
Sollers, Philippe and Armine Kotin Mortimer Casanova the Irresistible University of Illinois Press. 2016.